Monday, April 19, 2010


Words can not describe how completely and utterly excited I am about the next 10 days of my life. I'll throw in some hints and see if you can guess it! Here we go!........



????? Any guesses yet?????




YUP! It's true! My best friend (Leah ) and I are headed back to Kona for some much needed R&R. We fly out early Wednesday morning, and arrive back in Seattle early the following Thursday morning. No children this time. And though I will miss them dearly, I am WAY ready for a vacation, a real vacation where I don't need to think about anyone but myself! Man, I sound so selfish! But you moms know what I'm talking about! This will be a REAL vacation and I feel so blessed that I get to do this (and for a very cheap cost I might add). I got to visit Leah when she was living in Kona back in June of 2009 when Kyler was just a babe, 2 months old I believe, anyway, it was an amazing trip, and I'm sure this one will be just as great, if not better!! Since Leah is moving home, she needs to gather all her belongings from Kona, so we decided to make a vacation out of it. It will be fab, I'll post pictures once I get back home! For now....ALOHA!!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Time

HE HAS RISEN!!! Something I never really thought about until the last year or so was what to tell my kids when it comes to holidays. You know, Santa Claus vs. Jesus' birth, or Easter Bunny vs. Jesus' resurection. I've really been trying to teach Reese the real meaning behind holidays, but it's been a pretty tough task to accomplish when we also celebrate with the commercialized aspects of holidays as well. Reese is totally and completely freaked out by Santa. I mean she enters a screaming, crying, absolutely paranoid state of mind if she thinks she has to sit on his lap. Him coming down the chimney makes her sleep with one eye open. I ended up telling her that Santa was only pretend and she didn't need to be scared. That put her at ease, but pissed some people off. People thought I had ruined it for her, but honestly I just don't really care. She obviously doesn't like the guy, so why try and force her to believe in him when I know it scares the crap out of her?? With the Easter Bunny this year it wasn't quite as bad, though I think if there would have been an Easter Bunny at the mall to take pictures with, she probably would have done the normal freak out. I just find it hard to do both.....I told her the whole story about Jesus' death, and rolling away the rock and him being alive again, and then the next minute I find myself telling her the Easter Bunny brought her a basket of candy and hid eggs all over the yard for her. It must be so confusing. There is no corellelation between the two. Anyone have any advice?? I don't remember what my parents told me growing up. I know all the bible stories were always a big part of it, but I don't remember what they said about the "fake" stuff. Anways, I'll listen to any advice you can give :)

All in all though, we had a great Easter! It was jam-packed, like every holilday is with the kids. We always end up at five different places, I guess that's what happens when they have more than one family to be shared with. It's like a fight for time with my kids, and I HATE that. I repeat, I HATE THAT. My kids are not toys, they aren't to be fought over or used for entertainment purposes....ugh. I'm just gonna stop. This topic could have it's own blog I could write so much about it. Back to what I was saying...Easter was great. Reese spent the first half of her day with her dads family. Since I was running late (surprise surprise) Kyler and I decided to try out the new church in Sudden Valley. I have been seeing signs for 'Sudden Valley Community Church' for about a year now, and I've been wanting to try it out. So I did. And I enjoyed it, very much. It is vastly different from Christ the King where I have been attending for the last four years. It was small, held in the dance barns (where I have attended multiple weddings) and....small. Very small. I think there was probably 20 of us. But it was very good. Turns out, the Pastor there is one of the founders of Trinty Western University in B.C. Everyone was very welcoming, they stopped me after service (I must have stood out as the obvious new-comer, actually, I think it was my son's adorably handsome suit he was wearing.) Either way, we were welcomed and that was a good feeling.

Next, Kyler got to meet his other Grandpa, Grandpa Don Thomas, for the first time. Jade's father is a bit estranged from the family, he didn't even know that Jade had another son. So, we decided it would be good for him to meet Ky, at least before he turned a year old. We met him (Grandpa Don) for lunch, and I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't the best lunch date I've had, but it was decent. Decent enough. After correcting him from calling him "Tyler" and letting my ears adjust to all the "f-bombs", we settled in, ate our food and said our goodbyes. And that was that. It was weird, but Kyler is such a little blessing, I couldn't help but think that Don walked away feeling blessed. At least I hope he did. He really is a nice man, it's too bad his relationships with his family are, well, no longer. After lunch I picked up Reese from her Grandparents house and drove the three of us over to my Aunt and Uncles house for our usual big family gathering. It's always fun to spend time with the cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, I think there'e about 30 of us now! We had a great big, yummy dinner and enjoyed lots of laughs. I took off early to drop Kyler off with his dad and when we got to his house there was an egg hunt set up for Reese. I should have known he would do this. She got her 4th Easter basket of the day, and thoroughly enjoying searching for hidden eggs. Ky and I lucked out too, we also got Easter baskets! Yummy!! After about an hour it was starting to get dark out. So I packed up the kids and went home and tucked them into bed!! After brushing their teeth for 10 minutes each! And THAT was our Easter!! Here are some pics from our eventful day!

3 generations; Don, Jade & Kyler

Me goofing off with some of Reese's gifts!

The kiddos enjoying some of their treats

Reese during her Egg Hunt! Isn't she beautiful?!

My oh-so-handsome baby boy in his Easter get-up! Cutest little suit ever!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just call me Miss Uhaul....

Yup, we've moved again. *sigh* This is the 5th time since Reese was born :) *sigh, eye roll* But who's counting?? *another longgggg sigh* I guess that's why it's been 10 years since I've blogged last; I've been swamped with packing, cleaning, unpacking, organizing, cleaning, more organizing, more cleaning, and OH, taking care of my kiddos all the while. It's been busy to say the say the very least.

Anyway though, we are in our new home and we like it very much. We've been blessed to be able to find another house [with a garage, a small yard, hardwood floors and an extra room that we made a "play room" (among other things)] to live in; so much better than an apartment. I was sad to say goodbye to my old house, it was the most beautiful, perfect house EVER, we were certainly spoiled to live there; but when I couldn't find a new roommate in time, we had to get out of there and find a new place. Luckily, I know this guy who has houses all OVER the town, and he decided to take one of his homes off the market just so that we could move in!! Sweet guy huh?? Yup, that's my dad :) Our new house is also in Sudden Valley which I quite enjoy. Many of our neighbors have already introduced themselves and invited us to dinner. I feel really safe here, and I think that's most important, especially when it's just the kids and I in the house. We have yet to find a new roommate to rent out the downstairs, so if you think of it, please pray for God's provision in that area :) We'd love to share our home with someone who needs a nice, safe place to live. I'm still trying to get the last pictures on the walls and toys put away (don't see that EVER happening) but it is definitely feeling more like a home.

I'm guessing you've heard enough about our new house (that I don't even have pictures of yet!) and want to hear about the kids! So....let's see. Reese is fabulous. She is SUCH a great big sister, always helping out with Kyler, and me for that matter. She gets into cleaning mode and completely picks up her room and the play room! And I mean, spic and span! It's awesome! She also thoroughly enjoys "swiffering." Apparently she's still not sick of Beyonce, because we have a daily routine of rocking out to "Single Ladies", I guess that will never get old. She can count to ten in SPANISH! She's stinkin brilliant! Thank you Dora :)...Still hasn't had an "accident" at night which I've been very thankful for...she sticks to our rule of two movies (these are only 1/2 hour Dora shows mind you) a day, for fear of a "bad brain." Oh, and she's drinking a ton more milk and water since our last trip to the doc when he told her that juice should only be drank as a treat! Funny how she only listens to the doctor when it comes to no more juice. I'm anxious to see what she'll do when she hears the dentist tell her she can't suck her thumb anymore :/ I have a feeling all hell will break loose! I'll keep you posted, we go in a week!

I told Reese to pose and this is what she did. She's weird.

As for baby Kyler Cruz, he's just fantastic as usual! He has 4 teeth now and it's probably the cutest thing ever!!! His top two came in first, which was kind of goofy looking ;) But then the bottom two came in shortly after, and a 5th (on top) started poking through today. So cute! He likes to suck on his Binky upside down, such a weirdo....he pulls himself up on EVERYTHING, gets into EVERYTHING and eats anything he can get his hands on!! And that's what he's been up to as of lately. He also can now wave goodbye and kiss ;)

Going down the slide, I think backing away from them to take this picture scared me more than them, if you can believe that!

The kids with their BFF's, Eliza & Josiah Hamel

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

~EPIC~ (I really like that word)

Yup, sure was....epic. Christmas was nothing short of amazing this year. We had a crazy busy present/food filled day! I woke up at 6:30, got ready, woke the kiddos up and had them open all their presents and stockings from myself and santa.

Can you tell they just woke up??

Then we rushed to my parents house, did another un-wrapping sesh, followed by brunch with the grandparents. The kids' dads came and picked their respective child up and did Christmas with them for a few hours on their own, while I went home and unloaded and organized all the loot. Then I picked up the kids and headed to my aunt's house where my entire family (mom's side) was gathering. There were 30 of us :) It was awesome. We did a Mexican theme this year, which tasted delicious.

(Here are some of my crazy cousins)

After a couple hours there we cruised to my girl friend's house and chilled out. I think my kids lasted there about 30 minutes before the physical and emotional break downs begun :) We went home, passed out and slept till noon the next morning. No, not really, but I wish we would have! And that was our Christmas!

New Years was fun too. I had planned on doing nothing until two of my best friends convinced me (at 4:00pm New Years Eve Day) to go a formal bash held at the Best Western. So, I got a sitter, a date and a dress and headed to my girlfriends house for a yummy dinner then cruised (do I say that a lot??) over to the hotel to ring in the New Year. It was okay. A lot of old people, not very good music and over priced drinks. But whatever, it was good just to be with my bests.

Breanne Mcguire, Angela Wahlroth & myself

Also, I don't tend to make New Years Resolutions because I always forget them 2 weeks into January and they seem to be pretty pointless. I mean, come on, I'm always working on my issues! But, there are a couple things that I have really been focusing on lately. 1. Trying my very hardest to love my BD's. To remember that I can only control my own actions and when I'm discouraged because of them, give it all to the Lord. After all, he tells us to cast our burdens on to him. I gladly give Him those. 2. To be in constant conversation with the Lord. I've really been focusing on this the last few weeks and it has made SUCH a difference in my life. 3. This is going to sound really simple and kind of silly, but it's important to me: make the RIGHT decision, not the EASY decision.
(I just threw this pic in for kicks! Aren't they just the sweetest?)

So there you have it! This is my life as of now.