Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just call me Miss Uhaul....

Yup, we've moved again. *sigh* This is the 5th time since Reese was born :) *sigh, eye roll* But who's counting?? *another longgggg sigh* I guess that's why it's been 10 years since I've blogged last; I've been swamped with packing, cleaning, unpacking, organizing, cleaning, more organizing, more cleaning, and OH, taking care of my kiddos all the while. It's been busy to say the say the very least.

Anyway though, we are in our new home and we like it very much. We've been blessed to be able to find another house [with a garage, a small yard, hardwood floors and an extra room that we made a "play room" (among other things)] to live in; so much better than an apartment. I was sad to say goodbye to my old house, it was the most beautiful, perfect house EVER, we were certainly spoiled to live there; but when I couldn't find a new roommate in time, we had to get out of there and find a new place. Luckily, I know this guy who has houses all OVER the town, and he decided to take one of his homes off the market just so that we could move in!! Sweet guy huh?? Yup, that's my dad :) Our new house is also in Sudden Valley which I quite enjoy. Many of our neighbors have already introduced themselves and invited us to dinner. I feel really safe here, and I think that's most important, especially when it's just the kids and I in the house. We have yet to find a new roommate to rent out the downstairs, so if you think of it, please pray for God's provision in that area :) We'd love to share our home with someone who needs a nice, safe place to live. I'm still trying to get the last pictures on the walls and toys put away (don't see that EVER happening) but it is definitely feeling more like a home.

I'm guessing you've heard enough about our new house (that I don't even have pictures of yet!) and want to hear about the kids! So....let's see. Reese is fabulous. She is SUCH a great big sister, always helping out with Kyler, and me for that matter. She gets into cleaning mode and completely picks up her room and the play room! And I mean, spic and span! It's awesome! She also thoroughly enjoys "swiffering." Apparently she's still not sick of Beyonce, because we have a daily routine of rocking out to "Single Ladies", I guess that will never get old. She can count to ten in SPANISH! She's stinkin brilliant! Thank you Dora :)...Still hasn't had an "accident" at night which I've been very thankful for...she sticks to our rule of two movies (these are only 1/2 hour Dora shows mind you) a day, for fear of a "bad brain." Oh, and she's drinking a ton more milk and water since our last trip to the doc when he told her that juice should only be drank as a treat! Funny how she only listens to the doctor when it comes to no more juice. I'm anxious to see what she'll do when she hears the dentist tell her she can't suck her thumb anymore :/ I have a feeling all hell will break loose! I'll keep you posted, we go in a week!

I told Reese to pose and this is what she did. She's weird.

As for baby Kyler Cruz, he's just fantastic as usual! He has 4 teeth now and it's probably the cutest thing ever!!! His top two came in first, which was kind of goofy looking ;) But then the bottom two came in shortly after, and a 5th (on top) started poking through today. So cute! He likes to suck on his Binky upside down, such a weirdo....he pulls himself up on EVERYTHING, gets into EVERYTHING and eats anything he can get his hands on!! And that's what he's been up to as of lately. He also can now wave goodbye and kiss ;)

Going down the slide, I think backing away from them to take this picture scared me more than them, if you can believe that!

The kids with their BFF's, Eliza & Josiah Hamel

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