Friday, December 11, 2009

It's that time of the year....

Note: It's been a while since I've blogged, this is going to be a long one, with LOTS of pictures, bare with me ;)

If you know me well, you know that I HATE cold weather. I despise the rain, the cold, the wind, the snow....I just don't like it. I would be perfectly happy living in Hawaii for the rest of my life without another day of scarfs, sweaters and Ugg boots (but that's another story).

HOWEVER, (I feel like I'm starting to sound like negative Nancy) this year seems to be different. A good different. I think it's mostly because of the fact that Reese is now at the age where she is fully engaged in everything Christmas. Here we are, fully bundled to brave the 30 degree temps with crazy winds to get the tree....
(please don't mind Kyler's Lamb hat with pink's the only cold weather hat I could find that would fit his little head. I think he rocked it well, if I do say so myself)
Screwing the tree into the base,

putting the lights on, hanging the ornaments...

Reese also helped hang the stockings and put the lights up on the house...She even kept asking me when I was going to get my snow tires on my car :) Bless her little heart, we already got stuck in the snow in November and had to hike to our house at night in the snow and high heels, well I was in heels anyways. This season has just been so much fun with her! And fun with Kyler too of course! He can't help out yet, but he happily watches as we partake in all the Christmas-y stuff. It's a good time!

Reese also had her daycare Christmas Program last night. I don't even have words to describe how cute that was. Out of all her class, she was the only one to dance and do the movements along with with the songs!!!! What can I say? She is her mother's daughter ;)
Here's the proof:

Me and Ky, watching proudly from the audience!

I could have posted a bazillion (?) more pics, but I'll spare you. Hope you're all having a fabulous Winter season, remember, Jesus is the reason!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I thought the Terrible Two's were over??

Naw, just kiddin! This whole "episode" (s I call them) lasted about 56 seconds! I must say, I felt a little bit bad taking pictures of my child as she was acting out, but I did capture some good photos....and she sharpened up her behavior real quick, cause she wanted to see the pictures! Go figure. Here's how it went down:

1. Anger

2. Disobedience

3. Repentence

4. Forgiveness

And this sweet little boy, just sat and usual.....