Wednesday, January 6, 2010

~EPIC~ (I really like that word)

Yup, sure was....epic. Christmas was nothing short of amazing this year. We had a crazy busy present/food filled day! I woke up at 6:30, got ready, woke the kiddos up and had them open all their presents and stockings from myself and santa.

Can you tell they just woke up??

Then we rushed to my parents house, did another un-wrapping sesh, followed by brunch with the grandparents. The kids' dads came and picked their respective child up and did Christmas with them for a few hours on their own, while I went home and unloaded and organized all the loot. Then I picked up the kids and headed to my aunt's house where my entire family (mom's side) was gathering. There were 30 of us :) It was awesome. We did a Mexican theme this year, which tasted delicious.

(Here are some of my crazy cousins)

After a couple hours there we cruised to my girl friend's house and chilled out. I think my kids lasted there about 30 minutes before the physical and emotional break downs begun :) We went home, passed out and slept till noon the next morning. No, not really, but I wish we would have! And that was our Christmas!

New Years was fun too. I had planned on doing nothing until two of my best friends convinced me (at 4:00pm New Years Eve Day) to go a formal bash held at the Best Western. So, I got a sitter, a date and a dress and headed to my girlfriends house for a yummy dinner then cruised (do I say that a lot??) over to the hotel to ring in the New Year. It was okay. A lot of old people, not very good music and over priced drinks. But whatever, it was good just to be with my bests.

Breanne Mcguire, Angela Wahlroth & myself

Also, I don't tend to make New Years Resolutions because I always forget them 2 weeks into January and they seem to be pretty pointless. I mean, come on, I'm always working on my issues! But, there are a couple things that I have really been focusing on lately. 1. Trying my very hardest to love my BD's. To remember that I can only control my own actions and when I'm discouraged because of them, give it all to the Lord. After all, he tells us to cast our burdens on to him. I gladly give Him those. 2. To be in constant conversation with the Lord. I've really been focusing on this the last few weeks and it has made SUCH a difference in my life. 3. This is going to sound really simple and kind of silly, but it's important to me: make the RIGHT decision, not the EASY decision.
(I just threw this pic in for kicks! Aren't they just the sweetest?)

So there you have it! This is my life as of now.